Thursday, 28 July 2011

Sweet nostalgia

Having spent the last couple of hours looking through pictures from my childhood (that is, up until the awkward teenage ugly-duckling years, which I tackfully skipped over as quick as possible), I am feeling somewhat nostalgic for the simple years where I had no cares in life. I think I'm becoming more and more paranoid about the fact that I am approaching 21; I feel like I should have some sort of life plan, but in standard Katie fashion I have no idea of the career I want to go into. Sometimes I get these vicious little bursts of worry that I'll never know, and that I'll forever be polishing plates at the hotel I'm currently working in. Life seems to be passing by so quickly, I feel like sometimes I can't keep up with it. I'm stuck in the past - take me back to the Nineties!?

These were some of my favourites of me as a child, and some of me with my brothers and cousins. It's weird to think that I can't remember these days, yet my parents remember it so clearly.

I came across quite a lot of much older photos of my parents and grandparents and my auntie. I literally love looking through old pictures, I find it so interesting. It's almost like you're looking at a different person altogether...for instance the pictures of my mum - before she had me, she wasn't even my mum, or even not a mum at all! It's pretty fascinating. Maybe I'm still in my post-night out delirious state of mind, but even so: here are a few more of my favourites.

From top: My Auntie and my Mum; my Nan, Mum and Auntie

From left: My Auntie, Nan and Great Auntie Thelma

My nana looking beach-bod perfect!

My Auntie as a bride...she looks so demure!

Why is it that old photos look so much better than the modern-day equivalent? I don't think anything can beat vintage photography, I find it so much more expressionate. It's quite funny that these photos are so natural, yet if they were taken today they'd probably be seen as 'try-hard' as the trend for vintage is ever-growing, making it more of an issue of appearing 'cool' rather than capturing the moment.

Does anyone else have any golden oldie photography to share? I'd love to see!