Monday, 21 February 2011

Take me to Ocean Dome...


Retractable roof, flame-spitting volcano, artificial waves...why is everything so cool in Japan?!

[Procrastinating once again but work is on the agenda]

Sunday, 20 February 2011


I think I've fully come to terms with how procrastination plays a large part of my life now (especially on weekends). I have therefore spent the last hour on to make-over my face and try out some fancy hairstyles, all without the effort of leaving my bed!



I can't ever seem to decide what to do to my hair. The problem is, I just want a different colour all the time. It usually depends on the latest hair-crush image I've seen on Tumblr or Weheartit. Everyone seems to be copying Rihanna at the moment, so that has put me off dyeing my hair any shade of red...kinda feeling a lighter shade of brown, more golden-like perhaps, though I tried that before and my hair didn't take to it. Anyway, these three images above were my favourite styles. I like the idea of having a fringe, but I can imagine it'd piss me off rather a lot. My indecisiveness is actually ridiculous sometimes! Hair-crushes of the moment:

[04] Golden brown w/ fringe
[05] Miley's dark brown w/ light on top
[06] Left: wavy w/ long fringe
[07] Zooey's long glossy locks w/ long sweep fringe

This ain't got no alibi...

So, whilst browsing the Dorothy Perkins online sale section I stumbled upon this, um...creation. Basically, its sheer ugliness astounded me, and I felt that I simply had to blog about it and bathe in the horror with others. Whoever the hell designed this should be banished to some sort of anti-fashion psychiatric ward/institute. Literally, my eyes are burning. The fact that it is £20 (original price £30!) makes matters even worse. However, if by any chance you take a fancy to this little number, it also comes in black and white! Don't rush all at once, now... 

Saturday, 19 February 2011

100% procrastination. 0 work done.

So given the fact that my ability to do work is seemingly deteriating at an exponential rate, among the other load of unproductive things to do today I decided to 1) Revamp my blog, and 2) Actually write a blog post. Which is what I'm doing now.

Currently led on the sofa, complete with a variety of home comforts: blanket, check. Laptop (which doubles as a lap heater), check. 500 Days of Summer (this was originally intended to be background noise for a suitably productive working environment. Needless to say, this hasn't worked out so well)... check. 15 minutes ago, the tub of cookies and cream haagendaz (sp?) was also a check...until I reached past the half-way mark, whereby I decided it would be sensible to banish the tub to the freezer. BOGOF deals in Sainsbury's shouldn't exist. The heating is on the constant switch, no less - a special saturday late-afternoon treat!

The internet is way too distracting for my liking. My new-found addiction for Tumblr is becoming slightly problematic. Not only is it fuelling my innate desire to be someone/somewhere else, it is on-par (if not worse) with Facebook in terms of its time-wasting potential. I really need to do work. Really, really need to...and I will. Soon. Reeeally soon. Honest.

N.B. Brothers lemon cider now being stocked in Cloud Wine upon my previous queries. 3for£5. Needless to say, it made my day, as did the man who served me; possibly the jolliest man I have ever met... "That'll be a trillion pounds please! Enter your special secret code!". He even did a little jiggle/dance as we were leaving the shop... I think I want to marry him.