"technology is threatening to dominate our lives and make us less human. Under the illusion of allowing us to communicate better, it is actually isolating us from real human interactions in a cyber-reality that is a poor imitation of the real world." - Turcle's thesis
Would you agree or disagree to the above theory? I would have to agree. I find it so sad how our generation today can barely even remember a time where Facebook didn't exist. I feel lucky in a way that it wasn't around when I was younger and more easily influenced by everything. I think I must've joined Facebook in year 11, but I'm pretty sure that if the Facebook evolution began any sooner than it did, I would have done so, so much worse at school! Don't mean to sound satirical, but I have honestly got to the point where I hate everything Facebook represents; yet, somehow, I can't stay away from it. It's a truly dire situation. It's like the more I am online, the more I feel I have to keep checking, refreshing etc, but it also works the other way; the longer I spend away from the online world - like if I'm on holiday - the more I really don't want to return to it. Basically, I think it all stems back to us feeling the need to know everybody's business. We are a nosey lot, eh? I sure am, anyway, yet most of the time I just sit there internally screaming at my Facebook homepage and at all the shit that pops up from the hundreds of people ("Friends") that, frankly, I couldn't care less about. I am only interested in about 10% of my 291 friends on FB, and those are the people who I keep in touch with by external means - by this, I mean not stalking their page. The rest of the 260-odd lot do not interest me, yet they might still fall prey to my stalking ways - a habit that has been solely developed through use of social networking, and is definitely not healthy or beneficial to my life. Generally, I feel like Facebook is another self-generated media-ploy that really adds nothing to the quality of one's life; paradoxically, I think it does the opposite, and makes you feel a whole lot more shit about yourself. No, I do not need to see another album containing hundreds of the same mirror pose, and nor do I want to be subjected to disgustingly cringey status's that automatically makes me never want to talk to said person again - not that I'd really talk to such people in reality, anyway. Keep it to yourself, or GTFO.
I'm done now. 0:)