Monday, 8 November 2010

First post...and an uncomfortable post at that

So this is possibly my third try at blogging, and I am determined to make this one last!

I'd better introduce myself. My name is Katie, I have very recently turned twenty (grudgingly) and I am a second year student at Southampton Solent University, studying for a degree in Writing Fashion and Culture. I am originally from a wee little town situated about 12 miles out of the centre of Bristol.... so technically I am Bristolian, but I don't particularly have the accent (fortunately/unfortunately? I can't decide).

Second year at university is proving a little trickier than first year; for starters, we have to actually do work this year! Don't get me wrong, I did do work last year too...but the workload is clearly a lot heavier this year. This means less time partying, which is actually easier to do than I first thought! I find that now, going out maybe once or twice a week makes me really look forward to those nights so much more than I did last year. It's less of a routine now. However, it would appear that the lounge room/sofa of our student house is becoming more and more enticing as the weeks pass (and as the deadlines get closer). Big problem.

Now I will revert back to the title of this post, as I feel like I have some explaining to do on the 'uncomfortable' front. The thing is, I am currently lounged across the living-room sofa at home in glorious Yate, sucking on a bandage in my mouth with the distinct taste of blood and saliva. Before you start wondering if I am actually some crazed masochist, I will reassure you that I am indeed not: I have had my first tooth out today in prep for my brace, which will be fitted next month (17th December to be precise). Yes, that's right: I will be a real-life Ugly Betty, a full-grown twenty-year-old with a great big lump of metal in my mouth. Woo!

I can't say the tooth-tugging was the highlight of my day; however, I did spend a good two hours shopping in good'ol Yate town centre with my lovely hometown chum Maria (aka Mazzle jazzle, mazj, majjle...take your pick) and the Yate charity shops came up trumps yet again! I spent my money wisely on a gorgeous vintage-looking handbag (apologies to Mazzle who was simply a second or two late in this case - first come, first serve is a rule that must be abided by I'm afraid! <3), a classic leopard-print shift dress, a rather attractive M&S Autograph parka coat, yet another big fat patterned Granddad jumper (I can't get enough) and a leather plaited belt. A bit of a splurge, I know, but hey - it's for charity! :)

I'll post images of said items as soon as I can. But for now: must work. Really, I must. Oh.